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lnstallAware Studio
lnstallAware Studio
All standard features and unique InstallAware benefits 
Volume discount available for this product
2,398.80 USD
Studio Maintenance - 2 Years 
Studio Maintenance - 2 Years 
unlimited upgrades for two years +70% (Best Value!)
Free major upgrades for 24 months
Volume discount available for this product
1,679.16 USD
Studio Maintenance - 1 Year
Studio Maintenance - 1 Year
unlimited upgrades for a full year +40%
Free major upgrades for 12 months
Volume discount available for this product
959.52 USD
Studio Floating License
Studio Floating License
developer flexibility +50% (InstallAware recommends)
Multiple machine non-simultaneous use
Volume discount available for this product
1,199.40 USD
Studio Gold Support
Studio Gold Support
+33% (InstallAware recommends)
Access to our InstallAware support experts
Volume discount available for this product
791.60 USD
Total: 7,028.48 USD
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Total: 7,028.48 USD

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