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How to get an error message of command "apply install"  or can we catch the exception of InstallAware script. ?

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 10:59 am
by Harishshrivastava01

When I install the software in a drive that does not have sufficient required space then "Apply install" command shows the error message "out of disk space".

I want to get this message in another variable so i can write this message in a text/log file.

Or if we can catch the exception in running script so that we can get to know which problem occurred.

Please advice.
Thank you  

Re: How to get an error message of command "apply install"  or can we catch the exception of InstallAware script. ?

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 2:54 pm
by FrancescoT
You may do a try with checking the value stored with the "LASTERROR" pre-defined variable.

LASTERROR: Initially an empty string. After Windows Installer executes, set to the last error that occured during execution, if any

Hope this helps you.