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Check File In-Use

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:48 am
by cpams
Hello everyone,

iam searching for a functionality to Check if a File is in use or not.
Is there a comfort function in Installaware X15 ?
I need to check file accesses for DLL's and executables while the installation is in progress.

In Installaware 12 i checked this via Call DLL Kernel and get Fileattributes and evaluate Expression, very uncomfortable.

Best Regards

Re: Check File In-Use

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 7:54 am
by FrancescoT
At such purpose you may use the "Is File Locked" command.

Is File Locked

This command checks whether a given file on the target system can be opened for write operations (including deletes and overwrites).

While the setup engine automatically replaces such files (either by renaming them and marking them for deletion upon reboot, or by doing the entire replacement after a reboot if the rename fails), this command may still be useful to determine your installation strategy, to request application shutdowns before allowing the installation to proceed, etc.