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InstallAware X15 32.41 miabuild hang

Posted: Wed May 24, 2023 4:12 pm
by BartWilson
I'm curious if anyone else has seen the miabuild.exe hang during an installer build when two builds are running simultaneously on two different Windows systems. Twice now I've had two builds since late yesterday seem to hang during/after doing the compression steps of the files. I'm running this on two different physical systems with Windows 2019 installed and recently moved to the 32.41 version of X15. I'm using the Studio version of the product.

I can't seem to find anything in the logs that really state what is wrong other than on system shows this:
Compressing 9DE97BD2\95DBAC66\MaterialIcons-Regular.woff
Compressing 9DE97BD2\95DBAC66\Mat
and the other shows this:
Compressing 9DE97BD2\95DBAC66\MaterialIcons-Regular.woff
Compressing 9DE97BD2\95DBAC66\MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2
Compressed setup files

Wasn't sure if the two miabuild.exe seem to make sure they are licensed or something is put onto the network as I know if I launch two InstallAware X15 IDE's at the same time one will say there is another instance open and want to close down.

The logs basically stop there.

A successful build does this:
Compressing 6BED8C9A\E31D0134\MaterialIcons-Regular.woff
Compressing 6BED8C9A\E31D0134\MaterialIcons-Regular.woff2
Compressed setup files
Prepared SFX data
Created SFX file
Cleaned up

Re: InstallAware X15 32.41 miabuild hang

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 9:06 am
by BartWilson
I think I figured out my own issue. When we purchased an updated license and maintenance for IA a couple years ago, I thought that even with the floating license, that we could run as many miabuild command line at the same time. Thus I setup two build systems to support the multiple product builds we do during any given day to balance the load. However it appears that with the recent 32.41 along with generating a new license, this ability to run multiple command line builds simultaneously was taken away. I did a test running a miabuild on each build system at the same time and it popped up a window saying my licenses were exceeded.

Hopefully someone from InstallAware can confirm what a floating Studio license is supposed to grant you the ability to do as I always thought it was that you could only run one IDE at a time on any system, not that it included command line builds.

Re: InstallAware X15 32.41 miabuild hang

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 11:05 am
by JohnGaver
That is correct.

For multiple simultaneous command line builds, you do need additional full licenses.