Regular expression plugin.

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Regular expression plugin.

Postby bokkie » Fri Apr 15, 2016 6:28 am

All, I couldn't find anyway of doing a regular expression match in the IDE. Leastways, nothing that does what I was wanting to do at design and runtime. So I wrote a plugin you can install into the IDE.

Download the 7z file and open it.

Install it.

Once installed, look in your IA MSIcode window and you'll hopefully see Regular Expression available in the plugins list. Drag it onto the MSIcode window and set the dialog's options. The Help button will hopefully explain what to do.

The plugin requires DotNet framework 3.5 as a pre-requisite. For IP purposes, I have obfuscated the plugin's assemblies. Hopefully it will work on your machines as well. Any problems, let me know. :)

Regular Expression installer.7z
(2.59 MiB) Downloaded 1188 times
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