thanks to my new Plug-In Skills I present you: A Plug-In to install to and remove from the windows certificate store.
I developed this plug-in to deploy signed powershell scripts on systems that only allow the execution of signed powershell scripts. This Plug-In allows me to add my Object Sign certificate to the TrustedPublisher store on the target system so that my powershell scripts run without any warning or further configuration.
- Install *.cer and *.crt files to any Windows Certificate Store
- Remove any *.cer or *.crt file from the Windows Certificate Store
- Select the certificate directly on your computer or use one from your setup project (Supports IA Variables)
- Get feedback into one of your IA Variables
Get it for free on share-it
About the free version: As mentioned in the subject. You may use the plugin free of charge. If you do so the plugin will show you an advertisement every time you drag a new instance into the MSICode (only once per instance creation) before you continue. You can remove the advertisements if you buy the licensed version for 5 bucks but you don't have to. You can use the plugin for free for any productive or commercial project you want even if you do not buy a license.
I am sorry that I now charge money for the use. But as mentioned... I am a poor student and I want to make a little money from it and since I do not excpect that anyone will donate me any money I decided that I charge a small fee or get some money from advertisement.