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Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 1:10 pm
by ParallaxiT
stevew - you saved me a lot of frustration with this plug-in!! Thanks mate, I'll hoist a cold one tonight in your honor. (or at lunch, who knows)
Binary registry key rewrite
Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:29 am
by mohoch
By using your plugin to rewrite the value of HKCU\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Internet Settings\\ReceiveTimeout, I noticed that it changes the type of the key from binary to string...
Is it possible not to change the type? Or, does the key type have any influence what so ever?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:46 pm
by MichaelNesmith
It appears the plug-in does not resolve variables. Is this intentional?
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 3:40 pm
by Yort
I desperately need a version of this plugin (or a similar one) that will write dwords to the registry. Specifically, I have similar problem to one of the previous posters... Sql 2005 won't install properly on Windows XP SP3 due to the MSXML component having been made a set of protected system files. There is a work around provided by MS which is to set a registry key and reboot, which temporarily disables system file protection for the duration of the rebooted session... but I need to be able to write the key to the registry immediately, then reboot, then have everything else done by Windows installer.
Any chance we can get a version of this plug-in that deals to DWORD values and not strings (or as well s strings) ?
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 7:13 am
by Lin
I am unable to get the write Registry Persis plugin to write the String Value Data to the registry. Does it not allow variables?
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:58 pm
by amolago
Has anyone got this plugin working IA X4?
We upgraded recently from IA 18 and now notice that it doesn't seem to write anything to the registry, nor return any errors.
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Mon Feb 01, 2021 2:49 pm
by mnollet
I just upgraded from X10 to X13 and if I delete the old X10 folder, I can no longer compile and cannot build my project.
It crashes on the WriteRegistryPersist plugin with an Access Violation error.
If I restore my old X10 folder, it works fine.
Any ideas, steve ?
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2021 4:13 pm
by stevew
omg. this thread came back again. hmmm... let me see.
i found an error in my plug in. At some point in previous versions of installAware they started passing the internal State values enclosed in double quotes. When this started this plugin did nothing. i have corrected it. Please let me know how it goes. (also, is this plugin still required? i thought I read that this feature is now included in native installAware)
(i also just upgraded to X13. i was using IA9 these past 12 years.)
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2021 1:11 pm
by mnollet
Hello Steve,
The last version of WriteRegistryPersist.exe ( seems to have solved my issue.
I copied it in the IntallAware X13/Plugins folder and double-clicked on it.
The wizard asked me if I wanted to update to the new version and it completed with success.
Now, when I open my project, I can compile, build and the plugin shows normally when I click on the "About plug-in" button.
It pops a small popup with the name, the author(you) and a short description (3rd party INSTALLAWARE plug-in).
I will save this version in my SVN repository just in case anything happens to this forum.
I hope this will not happen again if we have to upgrade to another InstallAware version...
Thanks for the quick solution !
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 8:46 am
by mnollet
Hi Steve,
I am having a new issue with the InstallAware X13 related to the way it is writing in the Registry.
In our Project, we use a Script called RegisterDynamicRegistry.
On March 23rd, 2022, it was writing correctly (See the attached GoodRegistryWriting.jpg file).
But, for an unknown reason, since May 2022, it is writing one (Empty) entry and the Default entry has the value not set.
This machine that builds the Installing Package is isolated from Windows Updates.
And we have not made any changes to anything in our InstallAware Project.
Do you know if the Plugin WriteRegistryPersist.exe could be the cause ?
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2022 10:01 am
by mnollet
Hi Steve,
To add more info to my issue, I added an attachment to show how the InstallAware script is looking since the problem (see the attachment BadRegistryWriting.jpg).
The script is always re-written and it adds a version number to the registry entries
I need to understand how this script is being modified each time
Any Ideas ?
Re: Write Registry Persist - plugin (Freeware)
Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:46 pm
by stevew
Hi Marcel, sorry about the delay. Somehow i did not see any email notification. Anyway, 6 months delay on peer support seems not bad.
i reviewed the plugin looking for something that might explain what you described but couldnt see anything. The pictures are a bit blurry. i did a similar change to the ide dll that i did last year to the exe dll. not sure if that helps.
Here is an update with longer labels describing what can be configured in each IDE box, and some default values. Also i found the plugin wasn't doing "cancel" strictly according to the specs so i fixed that.