Localization - run installer on default OS?

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Localization - run installer on default OS?

Postby linksys » Wed Sep 17, 2008 7:35 pm

I have a very basic question on InstallAware localization functinality.

I have localized my setup in 30 languages. Now when I run the setup it only appears in English. But when I check the 'Display language selection dialog box' then I can see strings in my dialogs in what ever language I selected when the language selection dialog came up.

I have exported the localization strings and imported after I received it from third party.

How can I make my installer work on the default OS language without checking the 'display language selection dialog'?

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Joined: Thu Dec 22, 2005 7:03 pm

Postby CandiceJones » Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:49 am

You may set the value of the pre-defined LANGUAGE variable in your script to select any language you like!
Candice Jones
Home of The Next Generation MSI Installer
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