Errors when creating an Install

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Errors when creating an Install

Postby mqk » Tue Aug 16, 2005 11:19 am


I have installed the trial version of InstallWare in order to create an installer. But I got some errors, where I'm unable to get reasons of unreasonable behave. I will list the problems that I had.

1) MS SQL: I have created some customs dialogs, one of them MSSQL dialog. During the installation, MSSQL dialog prompts user to enter the corresponding MSSQL info, but when I used the default instance_name as MSSQL Server name, it doesn't work; therefore, I made another solution. I added osql.exe file to the project and run it using RUN PROGRAM command, where osql.exe can establish the connection with MSSQL Server, MSSQL Username and MSSQL Password, and then assigning SQL-query. But sometimes it works correct and sometimes not. It is worth menthioning when I use command prompt of osql.exe, it always works correct.

2) My SQL: I have posted yesterday a topic, where I'm unable to get the value of variables inside inside MySQL plug-in, the answer was to update DLL file.
The question is, does it required to update MS SQL's DLL file, in order to be able to read values of variables inside MS SQL plug-in.

3) Dialog: The second problem is When the user enters incorrect MSSQL info, it will display an error message and go back to the MSSQL dialog. The problem in the dialog itself, where some of the MSSQL dialog's items are disappeared (i.e. no background, text fileds).

4) EditFile: I downloaded EditFile plug-in. In order to edit text file, the plug-in should be placed after Apply Install command. When the installation reach EditFile command, it displays a Brwoser window for folder asking to locate the original setup sources to continue operation? It's worth mentioning that both path and text file are correct!!

5) Edit INI file: also it's placed after the apply install command, but I found that the INI file doesn't modified after the installation is finished!! Again, both path and file name are correct.

6) Build setting: I got an error in
Build type, when I try to build "Copressed Single Self-Installing EXE"
, the error says: "Error during build: Unable to build setup files: Please restart IDE". It's worth mentioning that is the same error I get even when I restart IDE!!!

Thanks in advance,

Kind Reagrds,


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Postby sinan » Tue Aug 16, 2005 12:45 pm

1) I recommend you use Run Program As, and specify the program startup directory explicity. Run Program does not set startup directory and this can cause unexpected failures.

2) I'm not sure I understand what you mean. The provided DLL update is an InstallAware DLL update. So overwrite the old version in your product folder (InstallAware folder) and rebuild - it should work.

3) Try hiding and showing the dialog again. Try running inside/outside the IDE. Usually this is a debugging artifact.

4) For help with the EditFile plug-in, please contact the author of the plug-in.

5) Edit INI File must not be placed after Apply Install. It must be placed before Apply Install. Edit INI File is a Windows Installer command and therefore will not execute unless Apply Install is called.

6) Lower your compression to Good (or maybe lower), down from Best in the Project Options window.

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Postby jva » Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:37 pm

I'm together with "mqk" with his problem and I will reply on his behalf.

1) We'll try "Run Program As" instead.

2) We asked for MySQL in the previous post, but actually need to use MSSQL. Does this InstallAware DLL update also solve MSSQL dialog, so we can use variables for servername, instancename, username and password?

3) This problem is from stand-alone installer. Not from the IDE. It also happens in a totally different machine than the one that host InstallAware IDE.

4) Ok we'll contact the author. Could it be the same problem as with Edit INI. It should be placed after Apply Install?

5) Ok we'll do that.

6) Should we always keep from using Best or can it be used some times and when is that?

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Postby sinan » Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:44 pm

2) MSSQL also has the same problem. I can upload the fixed DLL for you, which you will need to replace again. Please let me know if you want to take this route.

3) Did you try hiding and showing the dialog again, that ought to take care of it.

4) For that third party plug-in, you actually want to place after Apply Install.

6) This error occurs when you do not have sufficient free memory for compression, but a known issue causes it sometimes to occur even with sufficient memory available. Generally you want to have at least ~500 MB free memory for compression at Best.

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Postby mqk » Wed Aug 17, 2005 8:25 am


2) Yes please, that will be great. We would like to get MSSQL DLL. We have question corresponds instance_name. What should we use as instance_name, Currently we use the default instance_name (i.e. same as MS SQL server name), but it doesn't work!
By the way, we are using Remote SQL Server, TCP/IP Connection.

3) Hide Dialog has been called into two places inside MSSQL Lable paragraph, and also inside if statement as follows:
Line: MessageBox: Validation MS SQL Server, Fail to connect to MS SQL Server ... Check the entries and try again!
Line: Hide Dialog
Line: GoTo Label: MSSQL

But unfortunately the problem is still there!

4) EditFile: we found that the Browse Window will be displayed, when we call RUN PROGRAM or RUN PROGRAM AS before EditFile plug-in. RUN PROGRAM AS need to be called before EditFile and not after in order to validate MSSQL info during the installation.

5) Edit INI file: OK

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Postby sinan » Wed Aug 17, 2005 5:25 pm


3) Are you running with themes, or a dual monitor display?

4) Can you try using a directory change command after Run Program As, into $SUPPORTDIR$? Use the Call DLL Function command with the SetCurrentDirectoryA Windows API function to achieve this easily. For more support, please contact the plug-in vendor.

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Postby mqk » Thu Aug 18, 2005 5:19 am

2) But still I have one more question corresponds instance_name. What should I use as instance_name, Currently I'm using the default instance_name (i.e. same as MS SQL server name), but it doesn't work!
By the way, we are using Remote SQL Server, TCP/IP Connection.

3) I'm using dual monitor display, but I have tested on single monitor display, and it has the same error.
Another thing, I created some custom dislogs under Classic theme, but when change the theme, the new dislogs doesn't changed!!

4) OK

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Postby sinan » Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:37 am

2) Not sure I understand your question - you need to enter the SQL server instance name. Also make sure the host machine has MDAC 2.8 installed - its required for MS SQL to work properly, and you can generate a project using the Project Wizard that will install MDAC 2.8 for you automatically.

3) Custom dialogs, since they are custom, cannot be automatically re-themed. You will need to re-theme your dialog yourself.

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Postby mqk » Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:23 am

Hi again,

I thought that the BROWSE WINDOW is gone for ever.
4) EditFile: we found that the Browse Window will be displayed, when we call RUN PROGRAM or RUN PROGRAM AS before EditFile plug-in. RUN PROGRAM AS need to be called before EditFile and not after in order to validate MSSQL info during the installation.

But unfortunately it's still there as long as EditFile is used, any help.

Thanks in advance,


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Postby mqk » Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:37 am

Just I would like to add some thing, I found that when I comment all Edit File command (Not Edit INI File), no Browse Window will be displayed!!


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