InstallAware for Windows Installer

Run Program

The Run Program command enables you to execute a program on the target system, optionally wait for its completion, and obtain execution result (provided, of course, the program sets a return value). For more execution options, use the Run Program As command.

Run Program

Type the full path to the executable that is to be run.

Hide Program Window

If you wish to hide the window of the executable, check this checkbox.

Command Line

If you will be using any command line parameters, enter them in this field.

Wait For Program to Finish

If you wish to pause the installation script until the indicated program completes executing, check this checkbox.

Return Result in Variable

If the program you are running sets a return value, you may capture it inside a variable by providing the name of the variable in this field. If the program cannot be started, this variable receives the value -1.


  • Some programs may have difficulty with long path names used in their command lines. It may be best to use the Convert Path command on such paths before executing the program.