BUG: Context menus get left behind on uninstall

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BUG: Context menus get left behind on uninstall

Postby safepage » Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:47 am

Hi, we have used your product for several years, but the latest release appears to have serious bug for our install. Not sure if this is the correct way to report this, but it is quite easy to replicate:

1. Create a basic project (Project 1) and add notepad.exe as a file to deploy.
2. Add a file association (.txt) with a DDE entry ‘Edit with Project 1’.
3. Create install and install on a VM. The right click menu in Explorer on a .txt file should show ‘Edit with Project 1’.
4. Create a new install (Project 2) and again add notepad.exe and a file assoc for .txt ‘Edit with Project 2’.
5. In the pre-reqs, use the Install/Uninstall with the Package GUID of Project 1 installer and REMOVE=ALL.
6. Create install and run install Project 2 on the VM. This will uninstall Project 1 as part of the pre-reqs.
7. At the point where it uninstalls Project 1, if you right click a .txt file you will see it has correctly removed ‘Edit with Project 1’ from the context menu. However, when you complete the install and then right click a .txt file you will see ‘Edit with Project 1’ has been re-added along with ‘Edit with Project 2’.

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Joined: Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:21 am
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Postby neillans » Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:50 pm

Step 5 is NOT recommend. You are calling a transformed MSI (i.e. the MSI that we generate and then bootstrap) directly.

You should actually call the bootstrapper with the relevant uninstall and silent flags to carry out the previous installation uninstall.
Andy Neillans

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