AVI Control / Dialog

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AVI Control / Dialog

Postby avantgarde » Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:32 am

Dear Support,

After I release my setup I try it out on a test machine. On dialogs with an avi control the avi only shown in an static format. The avi isn't played during a "real" setup.

I try to figer out this but I don't have luck. I also check the bagge file and I also remove the path so that only the filename is inside the file. The avi file is also
added to the SUPPORTFOLDER. This I also check on the SUPPORTDIR (Temp) on the test machine. So everything is allwrigt.

Whats really confusing for is that I only see the avi playing is when I set the active falg on TRUE. Then the avi moves after I set this flag is switched back to FALSE.
Then I save the dilaog again. If I check the bagge file the pull path is allready inside, so I msut remove it again. I think this is an bug to.

Thanks for help

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