Patching: Label undefined error

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Patching: Label undefined error

Postby mbond » Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:20 am

I'm testing out patching with IA 18. I started with an existing project that was released. I set the power tweak on balanced and always cache sources checked. I build the project as a single EXE and moved the EXE to another folder. I then added a simple EXE to the project in a existing folder. I added the first build from the above steps to the Patches area and clicked Patch on the ribbon. I almost immediately get an error "LABEL undefined: destination Directory". I click OK and the program selects "Goto Label: Destination Directory" and pop's up the Goto Label selection dialog. When I look at the MSI Code section, the capitalization is correct.

Considering how little I changed in the project, why is this failing? I couldn't find this issue anywhere online or in this forum. If you need me to post code, just let me know.


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Re: Patching: Label undefined error

Postby FrancescoT » Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:33 am

Dear Math,

I suggest you as first, to have a look at following topics where are available useful information on how to avoid common errors with patch creation.

Note, it is also available a ready to use sample project with the second link below.

let me know if you still have problems.

Francesco Toscano
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