Run Program Crashes When Calling .NET EXE

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Run Program Crashes When Calling .NET EXE

Postby Sheri_Steeves » Wed Aug 01, 2018 11:07 am


I have a few .NET console utilities I use in my install (they are added as support files) to do various tasks.

I am using the Run Program method currently to launch them hidden and grab the return value.

On one user's machine, these programs crash spectacularly when called inside the installer, but work correctly when run, as the same user, with administrator privs, from a DOS command prompt or double-clicked from a File Explorer window.

The event log shows the crash but has no information about errors or exceptions except for the general .NET exception e0434352.

The only difference is the fact that IA is launching it - can you tell me anything about how the installer launches programs that may help me track down why this is happening?

I am rebuilding the install using Run Program As in case it makes any difference.


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