uninstall not removing/stopping service

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uninstall not removing/stopping service

Postby gibbie99 » Mon Jan 05, 2015 11:50 am

I am generating an installer using IA 18, and I can't get services to stop/uninstall. Do I need to add code before/after Install/Remove MSI Package $PRODUCTCODE$

If so, my installer has several branches (component tree) and installs 3 different services depending on what the user selects. How can I figure out what branch the user has selected, so I can figure out the right service to uninstall?

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Re: uninstall not removing/stopping service

Postby FrancescoT » Mon Jan 05, 2015 2:13 pm

Dear Gibbie99,

I suggest you to use the "Control Service" command to stop the service before to effectively un-install it.

For what concerns the Feature selection, please have a look at the "Features sample (2)" from;

It demonstrates how to use "Load Feature Selections" and "Save Feature Selections" commands, in order to retrieve Feature's selection state with different version of a setup.

Francesco Toscano
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