Regular Access Violations

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Regular Access Violations

Postby jdaniels » Mon Mar 18, 2019 1:12 pm

Hi Technical Support,

I am building installers for a large number of applications using IA X9.
I am getting the following errors on a regular basis.

I have replaced the name of our product with [#] symbols but maintained the length of the path.
Code signing: T:\InstallAware\Installers\##########Setup\Release\Web\##########Setup.msi
Error during build: Access violation at address 004034A9 in module 'miae.exe'. Read of address 0809FFFC

This happens pretty much every time I make a change to a script and attempt to build.
It is not always during the Code Signing process, it also happens in the compression process.

Typically, IA becomes non-responsive and I have to kill it in the Task Manager.
I delete all of the files that were created, re-open IA and reload the project.
Attempt to build again, 60% of time it works, the other 40%, it crashes again and I have to repeat the process.
This is becoming a major pain in the @$$.

I am not running any Anti-Virus on this Server 2012 R2 machine as it is a VM inside a special VNet within our VERY well protected network.
The User has Admin rights to the entire machine and IA is being run As Admin.

The Machine has the following resources:
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 v2 @ 3.00GHz
16.0 GB RAM
64-bit OS, 64x-based processor

Any assistance in solving this would be greatly appreciated.

John Daniels

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