Set IIS Property

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Set IIS Property

Postby mqk » Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:31 am

I have question correspond Set IIS Property. Honestly the documentation are not enough. It doesn't explain in a detail, what should we write inside Property Name field. It just says that we have to enter the property to set.

Currently, I would like to Enable Parent Paths in web site, which has been created using Create IIS Site, I openned MetaBase.xml file and looking for something regards Enable Parent Paths, and then I only found AspEnableParentPaths. Therefore, I used AspEnableParentPaths as a property's name and I set the value to TRUE. But this one doesn't work.

How can I enable this property, any help will be great,

Thanks in advance,


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Postby sinan » Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:36 am

This command only works with simple properties - for instance, you cannot set properties of items that are represented in arrays, or are subitems of another item.

Please see the IIS metabase documentation for a list of properties. I'm not sure all properties in the .xml file would actually be accessible from the IIS metabase interfaces.

Alternately though, you could try editing the .xml file directly and see if that works?

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Postby jva » Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:48 pm

What is meant by "simple properties"? And even if they are simple properties, how do I know which ones are accessible and what name to reference them as?

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Postby sinan » Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:35 pm

A simple property is a boolean, string, or integer value, flat. No arrays, or subproperties are generally supported.

See the IIS metabase documentation for a list of properties. The metabase describes whether they are simple or complex.

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