Variables and Values and ini file placement?

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Variables and Values and ini file placement?

Postby arrigob » Mon Jul 12, 2010 11:37 am

Question, when I am running code to get the value out of an .ini file (example, Get INI $WIN$\aas2.ini, [Global] callingpath Value into Variable TEMP), do I first have to have the ini file loaded into my project.

Reason I am asking, we are looking to make a build that just updates a current software build. The current application has some ini files that it pulls info from. We do not want the information in that ini file to change on the target machine. Do I need to still load the ini into the build and then pull it up? When I go to pull info from an ini file using "get ini" code, it wants me to choose an ini file that has been loaded into the project? Which leads me to believe that must load it.

So If I do load it, just be sure to give the the never over-right attribute?

Let me know if I need to clarify better

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Re: Variables and Values and ini file placement?

Postby mills » Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:35 pm

In short, to read an ini file using the Get INI File Settings, the file does not need to be loaded to the project. Consider the below example, of which the file C:\Windows\system.ini has not been loaded into the project, but has been read.

Code: Select all

Set Variable WIN to C:\Windows
Set Variable iniTest to
Get INI $WIN$\system.ini, [386Enh] woafont Value into Variable iniTest
MessageBox: iniTest, Value of iniTest = $iniTest$

Messagebox result: Value of iniTest = dosapp.fon

Otherwise, to further answer your question about whether to include the ini file into your project, that depends on exactly what you do with it, particularly whether the ini files would differ between individual installs or should reflect the same data across the board. Then, it might make sense to include the ini file(s) as part of your project (and for it to change if you were to push an update to those ini files).

If this doesn't clarify, you might want to provide more info as to what you are really trying to accomplish in regards to these ini files, their location (in relation to your installed software) and how they are intended to get there.
Andy Mills
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