Setup File Caching Very Slow

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Craig Daniel
Posts: 36
Joined: Tue Aug 07, 2007 11:25 am

Setup File Caching Very Slow

Postby Craig Daniel » Thu Nov 18, 2010 6:21 pm

I wanted to share this with the community. Hopefully someone else can find this answer a little faster than I did. I've been noticing that my recent install packages (since switching to IA 9) are extremely slow at install time. The slowness seems to be primarily caused by caching the MSI's for the various prerequisites I have included in my setup (I use single file EXE type setup). During the space between all of my Install Files directives and the Apply Install directive, the installer would pause for several minutes indicating the file it was working on was the .NET Framework 2 MSI, and then again on the VCRedist MSI (both very large files). My older installers didn't have this problem.

After reading a few posts here, I saw Michael Nesmith had mentioned this particular variable which appears to be new in IA 9:

I can confirm that setting this variable FALSE at the beginning of my script sped things up dramatically. I would like to suggest that IA consider changing this variable to be defaulted to FALSE rather than TRUE. This was a bad decision on IA's part (IMHO) to make this true by default since it slows down the installer considerably simply by rebuilding an existing script with the new tool.

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