InstallAware 5.1 Available for Download

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InstallAware 5.1 Available for Download

Postby MichaelNesmith » Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:48 pm

InstallAware 5.1 is now available for download on our public website.

InstallAware 5.1 contains the following new features and enhancements for developing Windows Installer setups:


    The IDE now offers drop-down menus for several toobar buttons, enabling you to build and explore different projects and build types without manually changing build modes.
    The IDE can now import registry data stored in .REG files or COM servers. Imported registry data may be added to any setup feature.

Tools and Libraries

    The Setup Decompressor has been updated to permit creation of independent self extracting packages.

Setup Engine

    The setup engine now allows linking file and folder views with edit controls without depending on the TARGETDIR variable.

Setup User Interface

    Hollow and/or non-rectangular dialogs may now be created using the Dialog Editor.
    Bitmap buttons may now be created using the Dialog Editor, including support for custom borders, hover images, and more.

New Scripting Commands

    The Convert Case command converts a variable to upper or lower case.
    The Delete Files Recursive command immediately deletes files matching a wildcard pattern in a given folder and all subfolders.

Updated Scripting Commands

    The Get System Settings command now detects 64 bit, Server, Tablet PC, and Media Center editions of Windows, as well as Windows Vista.
    The Write Registry command can now persist the data it writes, surviving uninstalls.

Trial users may download and install this new version at their convenience.
Licensed users may log on to their customer accounts to generate new product licenses immediately (always remember to update your installed version first).
Michael Nesmith
Home of The Next Generation MSI Installer
Get your free copy today -

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