Migration from Installshield to installaware

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Migration from Installshield to installaware

Postby hieisan » Thu May 21, 2015 11:21 am


we're using Installshield now for our MSI with Merges Modules.

but I have some questions about installaware.

we used merges modules associated to specified features. if the feature is not available, merges modules will be not installed. is it possible to install with conditions features with install aware with designer ?

we used for our dlls a feature from installshield called "extract COM at build". all of our dll are COM Server. is it possible to make the same with install aware with designer. how works dll COM Registering and .NET COM interop registering ?

we used SUITE Projet from install shield. this projet makes chained MSI in silent with parameters. is it possible to make the same with install aware.

and last question : is it exists some some install aware trainings formation ?

thx a lot

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Re: Migration from Installshield to installaware

Postby FrancescoT » Thu May 21, 2015 1:21 pm

Dear Heisan,

it is not possible to conditionally include merge modules in InstallAware.
- you can create external InstallAware packages with these merge modules and install these InstallAware packages from within your main installer conditionally.
- you may convert a merge module into a "ready-to-build InstallAware setup, complete with a customizable script" using the "Database Import Wizard".

Honestly I don't know what that "extract COM at build" feature effectively does, but of course our "Register Assembly" command to command register/unregister a .NET assembly. Registering a .NET assembly makes it available for use by COM Interop.

Custom actions are a very complex and hard way to extend Windows Installer setups. You don't need to take that route with InstallAware - as you have a full scripting environment which does everything you need already.

You can embed any command line parameter with a msi package using our Group Policy Wizard Tool.

For what concerns InstallAware training, please have a look at the following link.

Hope this helps you.

Francesco Toscano
InstallAware Software

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