Try and Die feature - appears to erase digital signature

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Try and Die feature - appears to erase digital signature

Postby BrentmarkKeith » Fri Apr 19, 2019 5:26 pm

I am new to Installaware - so far I am enjoying the learning curve. My latest issue, however has me stumped.
I generate my application executable in Delphi, and then run an EV cert script (USB based) on that executable prior to adding it to the installaware project. Once I compile a regular install using InstallAware, the digital signature remains on the included executable. However, when i try the 'Try and Die' feature for a demo build, the digital signature is erased. I know the 'Try and DIe' feature wraps around the executable, but is there a way to keep it from erasing the signature?

Also, does anyone have any suggestions on vendors that offer a 'Try and Buy' feature?

Keith Reynolds

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