From 16.06:
Importing registry files (.REG) was broken.
Scanning dynamic dependencies for files (.EXE) did not preserve the correct bitness of 32 and 64 bit folder locations.
Custom PNG logos for the setup splash screen were broken.
From 16.05:
The Schedule Task command was occasionally failing, especially as used from the scheduled mode web updates script.
The Get System Settings and Get OS or SP Level functions were failing to accurately report Windows version information for Server editions of Windows.
The Dialog Editor failed to set the PasswordChar property of Edit controls.
From 16.04:
The MSIcode script editor Search & Replace failed when the new string contained the old string.
The MSIcode script editor Search & Replace was not undoable.
From 16.03:
The File Bag plug-in did not generate a collision-proof folder layout when being used inside the same web media block with identically named source file names during multiple invocations.
The Dialog Editor did not support editing lists of strings.
From 16.02:
The IDE profiles were installed incorrectly due to a bug in the setup script. The correct profiles are now installed. Please note that the license generator binaries have not been affected in this fix.
From 16.01:
The Get System Settings command caused memory corruption when obtaining user account information.
Forms were not scaled properly on very large font screens (>120%, ex: Windows 8 Surface Pro’s default of 150%).
Setup source caching failed for very long paths, affecting various application runtime installations such as .NET 4.5.
The MS SQL Server plug-in often failed to connect at runtime.
Marquee mode progress bars were inoperative.
Default InstallAware plug-ins had a risk of memory corruption.
The Create Virtual Folder command failed to bind the requested ASP.NET version under IIS7.
MDAC runtime installation commands were failing at runtime.
The Transform Instance command was among those affected by intermittent failure of persistent data stream caching.
Progress monitoring and safe aborts on a limited subset of actions were offline.
From 16.00:
The Register Assembly command was inoperative under the Native Code Setup Engine.
The Download File plug-in could not be loaded at runtime.
The ODBC commands caused random MSIcode compilation errors.
From 15.51:
The file exclusion masks in the Install Files command did not support all logical patterns.
Code signing failures with very large files occasionally resulted in built binary corruption.
The Delete Registry command did not succeed with all keys and values.
The file and product version information fields occasionally had insufficient storage for their full version number.